Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
When Petrie died newspapers dwelt on his role as proving the truth of the Bible (as a way of getting public support for excavating in Palestine). Others emphasised his role as archaeologist. Although archaeology had been his life, Petrie regarded himself as a historian.
His best work was done in little more than 20 years – 1880-1903:
He did not necessarily have the most spectacular Egyptian finds, but artefacts discovered by him went to museums across the globe. He was also responsible for mentoring and training a whole generation of Egyptologists and published over a hundred books, and more than a thousand articles and reviews. He dug over fifty different sites, in the Delta and the Nile Valley, in Sinai and in the south of Palestine.
Sir Flinders Petrie's tombstone bears the Ankh symbol, a symbol for life. The same symbol can be seen on Amelia Edwards tombstone.
Sir Flinders Petrie's grave at the Protestant cemetary at Mount Zion. Petrie died on 29 July 1942.