Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa
Egypt in
South Africa

ankh: an object or design resembling a cross but having a loop instead of the top arm, used in ancient Egypt as a symbol of life.

amulet: an ornament or small piece of jewellery thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease.

BCE: abbreviation for before the Common Era (used of dates before the Christian era, especially by non-Christians).

capital: in architecture, the top of a column, pier, anta, pilaster, or other columnar form, providing a structural support for the horizontal member or arch above.

canopic: a covered urn used in ancient Egyptian burials to hold the entrails and other visceral organs from an embalmed body.

celestory: In architecture, clerestory are any high windows above eye level.

Copt: a member of the Coptic Christian Church.

djed: It is a pillar-like symbol in hieroglyphics representing stability.

demotic: a simplified cursive form of the ancient hieratic script.

hieratic: the ancient Egyptian writing of abridged hieroglyphics used by priests.

hypostyle: of a building) having a roof supported by pillars, typically in several rows

scarab: a large dung beetle of the eastern Mediterranean area, regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt.

sarcophagus: a stone coffin, typically adorned with a sculpture or inscription and associated with the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Rome, and Greece.